There are many different forms of essay writing, but the structure is always the same.

In the introduction, the content is described, and the text genre, the author, and the year of publication are mentioned.

The body is the main part. The content itself depends on the type and topic of the essay.

In the concluding part, all the findings from the main part are collected. Here you can also briefly state your own opinion, should the assignment allow it.

Preparation is essential. It is advisable to give sufficient thought to the essay before writing it.

Undoubtedly, careful preparation for writing an essay is half the battle. You can do part of the work yourself, or you can use specialized services that will do it for you. You can find only pluses in paying for written papers. The most important thing is a fast and well-written paper. Choose a reliable service like and your work will be done by professionals.

In school, essays are always written as part of classwork and there are many different types of essays. Basically, it is always a written elaboration on a given topic. In the following, you will learn how to best proceed when writing an essay.

The different types of essays

Basically, a distinction can be made between text-bound and free essays. Text-bound essays are based on a reference text, i.e. an article, a novel, or a short story. Text-bound essays include:

1.Comparison of works


  1. Scene analysis

4.Summary of content



A free essay offers much more freedom. You do not have to follow any other text. This form of essay includes:


2.Experience report
